Our History

Whilst our story starts almost fifty years ago, Epiris as it is today came into being in 2016.

Epiris Our History Experience


Our experience in the private equity industry goes back almost fifty years.

Our business started as the exclusive discretionary manager of Electra Private Equity PLC, a London-listed private equity investment trust, in 1976. We managed Electra for almost forty years and produced exceptional returns for shareholders. 

Epiris as it is today began to take shape in 2016 when we liquidated the Electra investment portfolio and returned the capital to shareholders. At the same time, we started to raise a new private equity fund from institutional investors.

  • 2016

    Epiris founded as successor to Electra Partners

  • 2017

    Epiris liquidates Electra portfolio: £2.4 billion realised in 18 months

    Epiris holds first closing on Epiris Fund II

  • 2018

    Epiris makes first investment for Epiris Fund II

  • 2019

    Epiris delivers first exit for Epiris Fund II

    Epiris hires the first graduates into its inaugural Analyst programme

  • 2020

    Epiris invests in The Big Table: Epiris Fund II more than 50% deployed

  • 2021

    Epiris invests in Sharps: total capital deployed for Funds I & II hits £1.5 billion

  • 2022

    Epiris sells control of Nucleus for £228 million: Epiris Fund II distributions exceed 50% of capital called

    Epiris invests in Delinian: the last investment for Fund II and the first for Fund III

  • 2023

    Epiris Partner Kathryn Pothier joins to lead investor relations and fund raising

  • 2024

    Epiris holds final closing on Fund III at £1.044 billion

    Epiris Partner Mike Ebeling joins the firm



The fund we started to raise in 2016 was Epiris Fund II.

To mark the change, we renamed our firm Epiris. This is a combination of the initials of our former name (“EP”, for Electra Partners) and Iris, Electra’s daughter in Greek mythology. Iris was also the personification of the rainbow, and the goddess of the sea and the sky, which we have reflected with the colour spectrum in our new logo – and the vibrant business cards carried by our team.

We raised a total of £821 million which we have invested across twelve companies.

In 2022, we started to raise a successor fund, Epiris Fund III. This made its first investment later that year and in early 2024 held its final closing at its hard cap with total commitments of more than £1 billion.

Our investors