Alex Cooper-Evans

Chief Operating Partner

Alex Cooper-Evans

As Chief Operating Partner, Alex oversees our investor relations, communications, ESG, finance and compliance activities, is responsible for our internal investment management processes, and helps with the daily running of the firm. He sits on our Management and Investment Committees and chairs our ESG Committee.

Alex's background is as an investor. He has been in buyouts for more than thirty years, first as a leveraged financer with Crédit Agricole Indosuez and then as a private equity investor with Duke Street and Lazard before joining Epiris in 2006.

Since joining Epiris, he has led investments such as AXIO and Knight Square as well as managing the successful raising of Epiris Funds II and III.

Alex has a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Oxford, is a member of the British Kunekune Pig Society and has recently fulfilled his boyhood dream of learning to fly.


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